Class Room
While instruction of the Smith apprentices usually occurs in the various craft areas located throughout the hall, this stone-walled room serves the same function. Lined with several large oak tables and even more chairs, the Smithcraft masters and journeyman use this room to instruct in subjects that do not necessarily require the 'hands-on' approach.
Baskets set into the wall are filled with sweet-smelling herbals.
You see Smith Apprentice Progress Record (Old Records) and How to do a Tiny-Plot (TP) here.
Natali is here.
Natali is sprawled out on the floor, resting backside up as finger finds its way stopping at different areas upon the scattered hides, other hand working a writing utensil. Hearing footsteps behind her, she twists her body somewhat to glance over her shoulder "Aye... how goes it? What can I do for ya?"
Barely reaching five feet tall, add or take an inch, this young lass seems nothing more than just a mere adolescent, when in truth, if you know her, that is not nearly so. Two medium-sized braids of mohagany and her amber-freckled face do nothing more than to contribute to this illusion. Despite her innocent look, her infamous demeanor clashes considerably, somewhat evident from the several faint scars remaining on her neck, most of them hardly visible at all, at least without a close examination. Luminous brown eyes offer as much warmth as a steaming cup of klah, or perhaps it's fury for the unknown. Her complexion has taken that of an Istan, a pure result of the vast amount of time spent in the outdoors traveling and working on her profession.
Dark cobalt wherhide trousers worn by her are incomparably worn and have seen their days. On her torso, she is wearing a long-sleeved ashen shirt with a blanched azure tunic worn over it. Sturdy new-looking boots seem unbroken on her small feet. Natali is holding a knife.
A small, blue-green stone is set on a thin wire chain, forming a small bracelet. The stone itself is opaque, yet seems to shine in the light. The rich turquoise color of the stone gives it depth, and the few brown impurities swirling throughout the blue only intensify this affect. The turquoise is round, circled by the delicate wire.
Natali bears a knot, double corded in the colors of red and white with two loops and one tassle all bound in gold thread indicating her position as a Master of the Smithcraft. Along side this knot are two ribbons in the colors of golden yellow and peridot green, denoting her post to Keroon Hold.
Natali is 19 Turns, 5 months, and 7 days old.
"Jus' havin' a look 'round," Erakkin mumbles, as he stops midstep being adressed by the woman on the floor, then glances around the room. Not much more information is volounteered by the boy, though how she would know that he wanted to join the craft if he didn't say so?
Natali nods once, quickly returning her attention to the hides upon her, studying and marking much as she had been before. "Alrighty then..." she chirps in moments later right before her mouth takes faint interest in nibbling on the end of the utensil, brows furrowing slightly in examination of one particular hide "How on Pern can this be!" she mutters to herself, soon after erasing vigorously.
Erakkin wanders further into the room, his hands deep in the pockets of his pants, then glances at the woman at she mutters, shrugging as he's not about to ask her what she's talking about. Instead he leans against the wall, watching her for a while, then after a pause says, "Ah been thinkin' 'bout joinin' the SmithCraft...." Yup, it's out. The boy wants to be a smith, not a miner like his father and brothers..
So now he has reason. Smiling cheerfully, Natali sits up, stacking the hides into a nice and neat pile before tucking them away within her rucksack "Is that so? Why's that?"
Erakkin shrugs, he didn't really have a specific reason, now did he? He'd always wanted to be a Smith. At least as long as he could remember. "Ah s'pose ah always wanted to be smith," he finally says after a long pause, considering the question. And because he'd be away from the mines.
Natali eventually stands, tossing herself up onto one of the desks, and peering over at the boy "Just... wanted to always be one, huh? Well, why not a /miner/, or a herder or any of the other crafts? No interest?"
Erakkin scowls as he hears the word /miner/, then shakes his head, offering unnecessary information, "me Pa's a miner," his intonation of the word 'miner' revealing how much contempt he has for the occopation. "Me, I wanna be a smith.." He takes his hands out of his pockets to cross his arms in front of his chest. Punctuation his decision to become a smith.
Natali isn't expecting to get much more out of him on that subject, so she rolls a shoulder, grinning "Love the enthusiasm... alrighty... if you want to be a smith so bad, what is it you think that we do? Or rather, what /is/ it that interests you so much about us?"
His eyes actually lighting up a bit, Erakkin raises his chin a bit. "Makin' stuff.. Ah always liked to make stuff." And that's what smiths did, wasn't it? Make stuff. Let's not mention the stuff he'd taken apart, though. "Tha's what ah like, making stuff."
Natali frowns slightly "Aye... but that's only a little part of the craft--making stuff. And other crafts make stuff too... we do a lot more than just that though. Why don't you want to make /other/ stuff? Is there a certain part of the smithcraft that interests you the most? Like is it /wood/ that you want to make stuff out of? Or metal? Or glass? Gems?"
Erakkin picks at a seem in his old tunic, not liking this interrogation. Frowning, he shrugs, not really having considered things this far. He'd /really/ just wanted to get away from the mines. "Metal is good," he mumbles, having had plenty of it at home, and had learned a bit about it there. "And wood..." So he wasn't making up his mind /right/ this moment. All he knew was that he wanted to be a smith. "Ah can work metal," he adds, just to make sure she believes him.
Natali sticks her tongue out once metal is pronounced "Ick... but I suppose if you have an interest in it, it's not so bad. I just can't stand it." but then wood is mentioned and her face instantly lights up again "And wood is an excellent choice! Just my opinion, anyway. So why don't you tell me a bit 'bout yourself... maybe why you think you'd be fit to be a smith."
Tell her about himself? Erakkin hesitates, then stuffs his hands in his pockets again. Why was he fit to be a smith? "'m a good worker. Fast learner.." That's it right? Or did she want to know about his past too. "'m from Bitra," he adds, as an afterthought, then stops talking. In his mind, he'd said plenty already.
"Bitra eh? You any good at cards? I've beaten a few people... pretty good m'self, though I'm Ista bred and raised." Natali comments, grinning slightly. "Oh, but getting back to business... hmm, any questions yet?"
Erakkin shrugs. Again. "'m fair at cards," he says, and not having any questions, he shakes his head. He might be quiet and offhandish, but he understood quite a few things. Only one question left, "what ah gotta do to join the craft?"
Natali raises a brow "Well... you've got to worship me." she starts off with an all too serious tone, but doesn't so much reprimand "And--" she stands up "Just so you know, there's a few things you must abide for. First, The watchwords of the Smith apprentice are Knowledge and Honor. Your aim, should you become an apprentice is to acquire all the knowledge of the craft that can be found. Study--work with the masters, whatever you can. If you devote yourself, you will be endowed with the honor that comes from being a member of the SmithCraft. And by following the tenets of the Craft, you will bring ever more honor to it. Understand? Shall I continue?"
Erakkin nods slowly, understanding well enough. Knowledge and Honor. He knew about those things, having heard it from the smith back home at Bitra, then motions for her to continue.
Natali nods once, before continuing on "Well then. The tools of the Apprentice are the Hammer and the Quill. With the hammer, you will learn to break open a closed mind and bend the unaccepting prejudices to accept hard truth." And she knows plenty of this "With the quill, you will learn to record what you learned in order to give those who come afterward a higher foundation on which to build. Understand?"
Erakkin thinks for a moment then nods, understanding well enough to give her a positive reply. Even if he wasn't completely sure what it was she meant. "Ah understand."
Natali smiles, reaching out to grasp his shoulder "Then welcome to the craft!" she squeaks "I don't have any knots with me..." that would just be a really odd spectacle "So you'll have to see Dennia or Arakiel or even Evan for one of those."
"Thank ya," Erakkin says, actually offering her a smile, though he peers down at the hand on his shoulders, before looking up at her again. He remembered seeing Arakiel and Evan, and wasn't happy about having to ask either for a knot. "Aye. A'll find someone who'll gimme a knot."
Natali walks with courage to the West Tunnel.
Light, whether sun or moons-light, shines through the branches of the surrounding forest area. The trees standing above the buildings create a peaceful image, the wind whispering through them calming and pleasent. Below your feet, the courtyard is paved with stone, patterns winding their way in in-set paths towards each of the buildings. A particularly bright one, lined in glimmers of metallic bronze tones, runs straight towards the main Crafthall. A few smaller trees, planted so overhanging branches shade the yard, are surrounded with decorative patterns of darker stones as well. Benches are set beneath them, and along the outside of the buildings, to give travellers and crafters, both, a place to sit when the days are particularly good.
It is a spring noon.
Perched on a windowsill are Sweetstick, Parsiron, Tygre, and Brigand.
You see large wagon, Sor-chay, Flamer Charging Unit, flamer rack, Smith Journeyman Goarin (NPC shopkeeper), Flamer Target, and Smith Booth here.
Bailyn, Hukian, and Natali are here.
Suiram walks with confident elegant strides, not a care in the world what other people think. He just came in from the WoodCraft.
Bailyn smiles at Hukian. "Hello, Sure I could help you." She looks around and decides there is nothing better to do anyway.
Hukian shrugs and steps up, revealing a bush of flowers. "Well, do you know who Alain is by any chance, seems she has an admirer at Gar, it is a she right?" Name sounds awfully malish to him.
Erakkin squints as he comes into the sunlight, peering around at the people here. Still smiling a bit, he can't help himself, he takes position on the outskirts of the group.
Bailyn can't help her smile. "An admirer? Alain?" Yes, I know Alain very well... "Who?"
Natali giggles, catching the last of the messenger's words, stepping out from the crafting hall "Heya Hukian..." she calls out, remembering him from several turns past, when she was just a wee little apprentice "Alain? You mean /he/ has an admirer?"
Hukian looks at Bailyn about to open his mouth and then at Natali, fairly shocked. "Alain is a /he/?" He smiles broadly supressing some laughter. "Yeah," remembering name, scanning memory, "Natali is it? Anyway. I cant stay that long, must get back to Gar /quickly/" By the sound of his voice he means it. "Oh, and this is for Alain, from Alexander." He lets out a small chuckle, flowers, from Alex to another boy, hilarious.
Suiram looks at the flamers and at the people. Strange man carrying flowers, for Natali. But he doesn't look like a Istan, not the right color knot. Somewhere else. He just steps closer to hear what its all about.
Bailyn eyes Natali, and then Hukian. "You know, this could be really funny, If.." She mind wonders off for a second, then is back again. "You know what he did to me.." She looks at Hukian and smiles. "And I'm Bailyn, one of Alain's Friends."
Natali accepts the flowers from the messenger "I'll uh... we'll all make sure he gets these." she grins, giving him a final wave "Nice to see ya 'gain! Oh hey! How's that mill standing? You seen it recently on your way?"
"Oh, the mill. Yeah its still standing, no problems as far as I know." Huk does see it ever now and again, would notice if it fell down. But he wouldn't notice much else than that. "So, I'll be on my way then."
Hukian hands Fiery Marigolds to Natali.
Erakkin says nothing, just standing in the sun, observing the conversation as it goes on around him. He didn't really have anything to say, did he? Though he did recognize some of the faces here, and could even put names to at least one.
Bailyn laughs as Natali takes the flowers. Oh she is going to love hearing about this from Alain. Oh, where is he?
Suiram just sits and soaks in the information. From what he can tell, the one man is a messanger delivering flowers to a person by the name Alain.
Suiram relizes that there's nowhere to sit, he was standing after all...
Hukian goes now. Yeah, of course you will miss him, but he must be off.
Hukian walks in a steady and fast pace to the Craft Hall.
Bailyn looks at Suiram for a second, then places the face. Oh, he was the guy I danced with in this very courtyard! Oh she wouldn't dare say that outloud, he might not even remember her name. She just smiles at him and Erakkin.
Natali eyes the apprentices before eyeing the flamethrower equipment warily. Swallowing a knot-like feeling in her throat, she smiles "Well, since I've got a few of you gathered here, how would you all like a flamethrower class?"
Natali removes Craft Flamethrower1 from flamer rack.
Natali examines a dial on her Craft Flamethrower1.
Natali activates the safety mechanism on her Craft Flamethrower1.
Natali examines a dial on her Craft Flamethrower1.
Natali disengages the safety on her Craft Flamethrower1.
Erakkin still has his hands in his pockets, watching Natali with the flamethrower. Might as well stay, right. He was an apprentice now, and if this was a class, it couldn't do any harm to watch.
Natali hands Craft Flamethrower2 to Bailyn.
Natali hands Craft Flamethrower3 to Suiram.
Natali hands you Craft Flamethrower4.
Craft Flamethrower4
A shiny metal tank with straps and a long tube with a wand at the end of it. The wand has a pistol grip with a trigger. There is a gage which can be checked to see how full the tank is. The mark of the Smithcraft Hall is printed on it.
Bailyn eyes the thing she was given and shakes her head, letting her long hair flow in the wind. Yikes, Maybe I should pull this back?
Zorana walks in.
Suiram has a flamer in his hands, isn't that just a brilliant position to be in. Dont mess with him now, or you will burn, luckily for them his a good-hearted man. "Nice flamethrower."
Natali smiles as she walks over to the rack, bending over to retrieve the flamers one at a time, handing them off to the apprentices "Now, these are flamethrowers. Don't touch anything on them until further instruction. Got it? Everyone have one now?"
Erakkin quickly pulls his hands out of his pockets as he's suddenly drawn into the class, having been handed a flamethrower. Standing rather befuddled he doesn't move, the tank held in his arms.
Bailyn shows slight panic in her face. Eag! My hair is going to burn! "Sure, I'm ready." Her voice doesn't change at all, and the only way you could tell the way she feels is if you could see her now.. Help!
Zorana blinks as she is handed a flameh(thrower).. oh wow.. what to do with it? She's a tad nervous with it in her hands but it doesn;'t show much. In fact she shows more curiousity than anything as she looks the thing over.
Suiram looks at the flamer and nods, waiting for further instructions. Not his idea of a relaxing morning, burning a few fellow apprentices.
Natali sets her own flamer aside on the ground, out of harm's way as she makes herself to the charger unit, checking that first, and then wandering across the courtyard to the target. After setting that up, she nods once, returning to the group and picking up her flamer only to place it at her feet soon after "There are many parts to the flamer that must be checked for damage prior to its operation. As you can see, the flamer consists of the fuel tanks, hose, wand and pressure gauge," she says pointing to each part in turn. "Now before we do anything, please check your flamers for any damage or whatnot."
Zorana falls asleep.
Natali smiles somewhat nervously as she picks up her own flamer once again "You'll want to check these fuel tanks, wand and guages for for any dents, cracks or scratches, as well, check the tubing to see if it is worn, brittle, or cracking. If it is, don't use it! It'll need to be repaired by one of the smithcraft masters."
Bailyn moves the bulky thing around in her arms. Yes, that looks like a hose, and that, a pressure gauge. But this! Oh, well, I guess thats the rest of it. She nodds at Natali. "Mine seems to be fine." Yes, she trusts Natali with her life...But not her hair. "Hopefully it's fine." She whispers.
Suiram scans over his flamer and nods, memorizing the design of it quickly. The thing seems in good condition, probably not used very often. Just for the occasional class where it gets checked anyway. "Mine seems fine as well."
Check flamer. Right! Erakkin does his best to follow what it is she's saying. Being a quick learner didn't always mean he got it the first time. But he looks over the equipment, carefully looking for the faults Natali had mention. "Looks fine to me," he mumbles, looking back up.
Once it looks like the apprentices are ready, Natali nods once "Right... ok. Let's continue." pointing to a small switch on the wand, she says "You'll notice that each flamer has a safety that should be engaged when the flamer is not in use. The holders and the Smithcraft Masters have keys to all of the flamers so that they may disengage the safety mechanism should they need to. Now while it takes a key to unlock the safety, any one can engage it. The only way you'll be able to use the flamer to incinerate thread, fuel or drain it, et cetera, is to make sure that the safety is off. I've already unsafed them, so be /very/ careful, eh?"
Bailyn nodds, then looks back at the two young men. Oh joy, she got stuck with these two guys? Not that their bad or anything, but she hardly knows either of them. Still she smiles and looks back down at the safety button thing. Sigh. Smile.Sigh.
Well, of course one would be careful around a flamethrower. Erakkin peers at the safety, then up at Natali waiting for the next bit of information.
Suiram looks at the safety switch and wonders what would happen if someone somehow got a key to unlock this thing. He could go on a rampage, burn down anything he wants to. Ok, do not engage the safety switch at this point, would make him look very stupid.
Setting the flamer back down on the ground, Natali continues. "The chemical we use to fuel the flamer is call Ageenothree. It accomplishes two things: one, it'll flame and incinerate thread, and two, it'll drown the escaping thread in the burrow that they create should they ever get past the dragons and their riders." She grimaces slightly, "Now there is one interesting side effect to Ageenothree. Do you know what that is?"
Ageenothree, Erakkin repeats the word to himself, though he'd heard it before back home. Not knowing about any side effects, he shrugs and continues to examine the different parts of the flamethrower while listening to Natali's teaching.
Bailyn has no idea. She shrugs and wonders if it has to do with someone's skin. Most things like that do something if touched by skin?
Suiram wonders about the chemical. Must be quite hot to burn so nicely. Ageenothree, the chemical he has deffinately heard of before, but no clue what side effect it has. "I have no idea."
Dennia walks in from the Gathering Hall.
Dennia stops, sees the flamethrowers, tosses her apron over her head and runs for the hall doors.
Dennia walks to the Great Hall.
Natali grins "Well, ageenothree is a liquid placed under pressure in the fuel tanks and it is ejected through the wand when you depress the trigger. As it is a liquid it'll flow down into the thread burrows and drown the escaping thread. And while on the ground or air, we can ignite Ageenothree and incinerate thread. So, other than the two main purposes of ageenothree, it can act as a soil fertilizer which is very beneficial to plant life. So it not only destroys, it help generate growth in plants."
Fertilizer, eh? Rakki shrugs, not really interested in the fact, but stores it away in his mind for later use. If he ever found a need for the fact, that is. He sets the tank down on the ground, completely satisfied that nothing was wrong with it, and tired of carrying it.
Bailyn looks down at the ground. Oh joy, so after we kill the darned things we can watch pretty little flowers grow. Rest in peace you thread, and then we'll plant flowers. She can't help giggling softly at her thoughts, and eyes Rakki. "Are you tired already?"
Suiram hmms. Fertilizer that can incinirate things. Very interesting type of fertilizer this. But it is probably a bit too rare to use as common fertilizer.
Ogera walks in from the Gathering Hall.
Natali hands Craft Flamethrower6 to Ogera.
Eyes narrowing, Rakki snorts at the comment from Bailyn. "No reason to hold the thing for the entire class, is there?" And he turns to Natali, hoping to get an affirmative from her.
Bailyn smiles at the mouthy one anyways and nodds to Ogera. She doens't know her, but another girl going through this with her will be nice. Okay, back to Natali.
Natali hands Ogera a flamer as she steps out "Just in time... this one's all set, we'll catch you up on everything else at the end, just don't touch anything on it till I say, k?" turning towards Rakki, she grins "Nah... just be careful picking it up and setting it down."
Ogera snickers "If you have to use the thing, you will have it on your shoulders for most of an afternoon, or morning. Get used to the weight, I did at home." Nodding politely to Natali she says "I appologize for my lateness, I was asked to put my clothes in my press."
Natali continues on "Now while ageenothree can ignite into flames, you must also keep in mind that it is also a very caustic substance that can burn skin upon contact. So it is very important that you follow my instructions very carefully today, got it?" she pauses to look around at them "If you ever do end up spilling and of it on your skin, you should immediately flush the area with large amounts of water until the pain subsides. After which, you should report to a healer. Is this understood?"
Bailyn raises her chocolate eyebrows. Thinking of only one thing, her long, silky, hair. One or two curls bob in agreement, hitting her nose as she looks down at the thrower in her arms. "I understand."
Erakkin nods. Get on skin, flush with water, then see a healer. Right. Simple as that, though the main objective would be to avoid getting it on your skin. "Aye, understood," he mumbles, holding the wand in his right hand.
Natali sighs "Now, we don't have any healers here right now, so just--don't spill any?" she chuckles, heading over to the charger unit, her best friend *cough*. "Time to fill these babies up!" once she's there, she sets the flamer down on the ground, turning towards the others, she waves them closer. Cocking her head back, she kneels down and couples a fueling hose to the flamer's fuel tanks. " you can see, this procedure is very simple. However, as I mentioned earlier, make sure that you follow my instructions carefully. You will want to place your flamer on the ground and couple the fueling hose to it, as I have done here. When that is done, you can flip this switch on the charging unit and it'll begin to fill the flamer. Make sure that you watch the pressure guage so that you don't overfill the tanks. Even though there is another safety mechanism in the charging unit, sometimes accidents occur and it is wise to be ready for them." And we don't like those... "We're going to do this one at a time... I'll fill mine first, then Suiram, then Erakkin, then Ogera, ok?"
Suiram sets the flamer on the ground. No need to carry it, some of the others didn't carry it the whole time, he can just as well relax. "Will do so.."
Natali removes Craft Flamethrower1 from her back and carefully sets it down.
Ogera nods at Natali's instructions. She hefts the flamethrower and slips it onto her rather narrow shoulders, muscles she has, but not much to show. After a few moments she has it strapped on. She looks over the unit, checking for scratches and dents as best she can, and then looks over the valve mechanism and he gague "I thought it wasn't full." She begins to unstrap the unit and continues her inspection.
Suiram waits patiently for Natali to fill up the tanks of the flamer. Then it can actually start causing harm, oh wonderful harmful ageenothree. "Alright." He does watch carefully, having to be the next to fill up the tanks..
See, Rakki's flamethrower was already on the ground. He watches Natali go through the motions, as he stuffs his left hand back in his pocket.
Natali hooks up her Craft Flamethrower1 to the Flamer Charging Unit.
Fuel begins pumping into the Craft Flamethrower1.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is at 25% capacity.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is at 50% capacity.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is at 75% capacity.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is at 100% capacity.
Natali gets the Craft Flamethrower1 unhooked and ready for service.
Natali lifts Craft Flamethrower1 and straps it on her back.
You remove Craft Flamethrower4 from your back and carefully set it down.
Suiram looks at the fuel pump into the flamer. Yup, look at that fuel. "That right?"
Bailyn looks at everyone before keeping her eyes on Suiram's Unit.
Natali nods her head "Aye.. it is... you'll know when it's done, just keep an eye on the guage."
Bailyn sighs and gets ready to pump fuel in this baby. "Well, here it goes."
Erakkin stands by, watching the others put fuel in their flamethrowers, one hand still in his pocket. Didn't seem to hard to do, did it? He could do that. Yup.
Suiram smiles as he's now carrying a full flamer. "Its quite a bit heavier when the tanks are full." He then just looks at the others charge their flamers, his held firmly, careful not to let it go off now.
Bailyn moves out of the way, slowly at first and then almost falling down grabs for Suiram. After getting her balance a little better she stands up and lets go. "Sorry," She murmers to him. Smile.
Ogera finishes her inspection of the flamethrower, satisfied that there are no scratches, dents or other obvious defects "I take it you inspected the units already Master Natali?" With a slight and very short smile she moves up in line, waiting her turn to fill the flamethrower.
Suiram nods as he's used as a common leaning post type thing. "No problem, no harm done, no agenothree spilt."
Natali steps back, facing the target area "Now, everyone check the guages on the flamers 'n make sure they're all filled, then we'll get to flamin'." Oh, her favorite part. Now who's gonna be alive after this one? "When you walk around with a flamer, make sure that you point the flaming wand toward the ground as you move from location to location. You don't want to point and aim the wand at anything you don't want to incinerate." Just trust her on that one "I'll go first, then the rest take your lead... Ogera can go first, then Erakkin, then Bailyn, the Suiram. Sound good? And yes Ogera, I have indeed!" she smiles, taking careful aim at the target.
Natali depresses the trigger on her Craft Flamethrower1. Instantly, a *huge* flame erupts from the end of the wand.
Flamer Target is hit by the flame!
There is an audible 'clack' from Natali's Craft Flamethrower1, and the flame disappears with the remains of the Flamer Target. Natali looks around for another target.
Bailyn raises her eyes to his face as she remembers the part about the ageenothree. "Oh, I am soo.." She stops to hear the rest of Natali.
"Waen't that hard," Erakkin mumbles, as he hefts the flamethrower onto his back now that it actually had fuel in it. Strapping it on your back made it a lot more managable, than carrying it around in your arms. Nodding he takes the hint from Natali and points the wand toward the ground. Well away from his feet.
Suiram looks at the flame burst out at the target, that is a /huge/ flame indeed. "Wouldn't want to shoot that at a person."
Natali breaths a sigh of relief as everything goes ok, thank Faranth! Grinning, she turns back to the apprentices, awaiting Ogera as her's is filled "You can go first for this..."
Ogera observes the flaming of the targed with chagrin, as she watches the gague of her flamethrower move to full. "Isn't it rather dangerous to be flaming when someone is charging?" she asks, oblivious to the consequences of such a question.
Natali grins "That's why I set it up on the completely opposite end..." she motions to the other side of the courtyard "And yeah... that's why I wanted you to go first ahead of them, because that means they'd have to wait for you..."
Ogera walks assuredly over to the units "Saftey is off, so I should pick a target and flame?" She asks, but then goes ahead and fires.
Natali nods her head, pointing across the courtyard "Aye.. do just that."
Suiram looks at the flamer, anticipating the flame now. Cant she just shoot?
Ogera depresses the trigger on her Craft Flamethrower6. Instantly, a *huge* flame erupts from the end of the wand.
Flamer Target is hit by the flame!
There is an audible 'clack' from Ogera's Craft Flamethrower6, and the flame disappears with the remains of the Flamer Target. Ogera looks around for another target.
Natali beams happily "Great job! Next?"
Erakkin is next, right? He steps up, check whatever needs checking and point the wand toward the target.
Erakkin depresses the trigger on his Craft Flamethrower4. Instantly, a *huge* flame erupts from the end of the wand.
Flamer Target is hit by the flame!
There is an audible 'clack' from Erakkin's Craft Flamethrower4, and the flame disappears with the remains of the Flamer Target. Erakkin looks around for another target.
Bailyn grins as she sees someone do it. Yes, she's after Erakkin.
Suiram is last in the que of people to kill flamer targets. Stupid way of choosing,
Natali just chooses, thats stupid. Now he has to wait for them all to shoot at the target and he just gets the left overs. Great.
Erakkin nods, satisfied with his flaming and steps back, pointing the wand down again, so as not to accidentaly flame someone. Wouldn't do on his first day as apprentice, would it?
Bailyn is next. She takes a step and finds the target perfect for her. After making sure everything is correct, she aims and-
Bailyn depresses the trigger on her Craft Flamethrower2. Instantly, a *huge* flame erupts from the end of the wand.
Flamer Target is hit by the flame!
There is an audible 'clack' from Bailyn's Craft Flamethrower2, and the flame disappears with the remains of the Flamer Target. Bailyn looks around for another target.
Bailyn giggles slightly and lets Suiram though. This is pretty fun!
Suiram looks at the flamer target get hit yet again. Well, now it is finally his turn to burn. He steps into position, checks the dials and stuff and get ready to fire.
Suiram depresses the trigger on his Craft Flamethrower3. Instantly, a *huge* flame erupts from the end of the wand.
Flamer Target is hit by the flame!
There is an audible 'clack' from Suiram's Craft Flamethrower3, and the flame disappears with the remains of the Flamer Target. Suiram looks around for another target.
Natali grins "Good! We're all still alive. Now let's empty these things right and quick... same way you hooked them up to fill, only they're going to empty." she says, already lowering hers to the ground by the charger unit and hooking it up.
Natali removes Craft Flamethrower1 from her back and carefully sets it down.
Natali hooks up her Craft Flamethrower1 to the Flamer Charging Unit.
Fuel begins draining into the Flamer Charging Unit.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is down to 75% capacity.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is down to 50% capacity.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is down to 25% capacity.
SmithCraft's Craft Flamethrower1 is down to 0% capacity.
Natali gets the Craft Flamethrower1 unhooked and ready for storage.
Natali lifts Craft Flamethrower1 and straps it on her back.
Natali activates the safety mechanism on her Craft Flamethrower1.
Natali smiles, motioning for the appprentices to step forward "One at a time... once you're done, pick it up and hit the safety switch and then place it on the rack. After we're all done, we'll catch Ogera up on what she missed."
Suiram looks at the fuel drain back out and just imagines what could happen if that thing caught fire, the charger unit. It would probably have a fairly large explosion.
Bailyn grins and waves, "I really need to go, Thanks for the class. I was to meet someone a while ago." She leaves.
Bailyn walks to the Great Hall.
Natali smiles, motioning to the rack "Everyone place them there, but make sure you activate the safety and check the guages to make sure they're empty, then come back over here and we'll catch Ogera up, ok?"
Natali grins, turning her attention towards Suiram "Suiram! Perfect place to start... tell me what you know about agenothree..." That's right, her idea of a catch-'er-up-er is a quiz!
Suiram checks all the appropriate things and sets the flamer away, then returns back to Natali, following the instructions correctly. "Alright, flamers put away and checked. Finished up." He then pauses, why did he have to be chosen. "Well, Agenothree is a liquid. The chemical in the flamer. Its a liquid so that it could settle into ground and kill all burrowed thread." He nods slowly. "Oh and, it has one strange atribute, its also good for fertilizer. Very nutritios for the soil."
Ogera walks over to Natali and tips her head to the left slightly, then to the right, a soft pop emitting from her shoudlers "Oh, excuse me."
Natali smiles, nodding her head "Excellent!" *shiver* Eww... "Gross?" Natali squirms, turning her attention towards Ogera, eventually chuckling it off. "Alrighty... Erakkin! Why don't you tell us what you do should you spill any agenothree on yourself?"
Hands free again, Erakkin shoves them back into his pockets, waiting to be released from this class, thinking that he's learned what needs to be learned. Blinking, he suddenly realizes that he's being spoken to, and looks up at Natali. "You'd get injured," he says simply, not one for using a lot of words.
Natali shakes her head "Not what happens, what you should do.." she reprimands for his sake.
"Oh," Erakkin says, having heard her wrong or maybe not paying attention. "Wash it, then get to a healer." There. Correct answer this time, right? He had been paying attention before, even if he was starting to feel a little unconcentrated now.
Suiram nods slowly as he also remembers. Plenty of water must be used. "But the best idea is just not to spill on yourself?"
Natali nods her head "Precisely. Yes. Now, as you probably saw, Ogera, there's lots of parts to the flamer..." she walks back to the rack, picking one up, and carries it back to the group "Yes Suiram, but accidents do happen." she replies before continuing "Now, 'tween the two of you, point and tell me the different parts." she motions to Suiram and Erakkin.
"Safety switch," Erakkin says pointing to it, having to take his hand out of his pocket to do so, then looks at Suiram.
Suiram nods and looks at the flamer, trying to remember all the parts. "The gauge," points to the thing with a meter "Indicating how much agenothree in here." He points to the tank of it "The tanks, where the agenothree are kept."
Ogera looks on with mild interest and smiles at Natali.
Natali points to the part that makes it all happen "Let's not forget the wand!" she grins, walking and putting the flamer back where it came from. Now, when you're examining the flamer for damage before use, what do you look for?" again, the question is asked of either male.
Suiram tries to remember again, evil questions. "You look for dents, scratches and things like that. There's also something in the wand that can tear, must make sure it didn't."
Being asked a question required one to give an answer. "Dents.. Or holes," Erakkin says, repeating what the other beat him to saying.
Ogera chirps up "Its also good to look for leakage or corrosion." She looks at Natali, as if she needs approval of her comment.
Natali beams brightly. Oh, it always makes her so happy when they pay attention "Good! Excellent! And yes, that's very important too, Ogera! Now, how 'bout you tell us about the safety... who can deactivate it... "
Suiram smiles, an easy one. "Masters and other high ranking people." No apprentices unfortunately, or there'd be much more accidents around the hall.
"Lord Holders, or whoever has a key," Rakki notes, unpocketing a hand to scratch his neck. He looks at the others, as he repockets his hand.
Ogera brushes down the front of her skirts and smiles slightly at the compliment. Well, she was fishing for it actually.
Natali intertwines her fingers, resting them upon her lap and nodding vigorously "Excellent... hmm, can you think of anything we might have forgotten to tell her?"
Suiram shakes his head, not wanting more questions actually. But he really cant think of anything else now.
Natali tilts her head to the side "Then unless there are any questions, you are all free to leave?"
Erakkin lifts his shoulders, not having anything more to say. As far as he's concerned the less he had to say, the better. Nothing important he can think of needed to be said. At least not by him.
Ogera shakes her head then asks "Did you need help with anything? Cleaning up the targets or something?" She moves closer to Natali, "I finished my chores and have gone to my classes, but I don't want to be a bother, if you are busy."
Natali nods her head, now standing up and walking towards the targets "Oh! That would be wonderful, if you don't mind... I usually do it myself, but if you're willing..."
Suiram shrugs and nods. "Well, thanks for the demonstration." He walks off to the main hall, probably to go do absolutely nothing as usual.
Suiram walks with confident elegant strides, not a care in the world what other people think. He just came to the Craft Hall.
Erakkin eyes the two ladies, then turns to follow Suiram, before he's asked to help with the cleaning. Not his favorite thing to do, though probably something he'd be asked to do a lot of, now that he's an apprentice. But as long as he could escape that duty...