Bio: Born on February 7th, 2361, Katarina Lavrenko Tyler, grew up on Starbase 515, located near Fimbul V in the Alpha Quadrant as the last of three children. Her father, Dmitrii Lavrenko worked in the docks of the base, while her mother, Samantha Tyler, was a nurse in the infirmary. Often time, the young Kat was left to her own devices and the girl would find her way to places in the Base which were off-limits, getting herself (and friends) in trouble. As she grew older, so did her stunts and dares, until one such challenge saw her arrested at the age of eleven. Getting off with a 'severe warning' not to appear in restricted area again, Kat was released into her parents' custody. Samantha and Dmitrii were not happy! But all they could do, in order to control their renegade daughter, was restrict her to quarters. That, unfortunately, did not have the desired effect since Kat tried her luck at computer hacking, though unsuccessfully as she was caught at that as well and only served her the purpose of stripping her of all access rights to the mainframe of the Starbase. Then, a few months after her 13th birthday, reports of the ambush on the Marines on Beerax IX came in. Kat's brother, Yuri, was among those killed. The brutal death of Yuri did not improve on Kat's behavior. The girl became almost uncontrollable and at the age of 15, she was sentenced to 20 months in a juvenile correctional facility, for breaking into a visiting Starfleet ship, stealing several items from the Captain's Quarters. Being incarcerated only increased Kat's resentment toward authority, making her something of an outcast, when she was released and returned home to the structured world of Starbase 515. Only a few months later, she left, getting passage on a freighter in return for her labor in engineering. 
Pools of striking green make it out for this woman's eyes, looking out from underneath long, dark lashes and thick arched brows. Her hair, cut short for ease of maintenance, is as dark as night, bangs falling almost to cover her eyes, while the back and sides are trimmed very close to the scalp. High cheekbones and a pointed chin gives her face a squarish look, only softened by broad, full lips. Long legs make out for most of her height of 5'9", while muscles of shoulders and upper arms are well-trained. Black. All black, from top to toe this woman wears black. The thick clothed shirt's sleeves are rolled up to just above her elbow, revealing a tattoo on the inside of her right wrist, portraying a rose done in black ink. Tugged into a pair of black combat-trousers with a multitude of pockets, the shirt billows out over the belt holding up the slightly oversized pants. The heavy boots have only been laced up half-way, making the dirty white lining show. She is 21 years, 6 months, 11 days old. |