Azarin's Logs
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Hatching! [May 18th, 2002] New!
Eggs start moving, and dragons start humming and the Candidates are herded onto the Sands.
Azarin raises a hand to bite a nail, his eyes following the dragonets escape from their eggs and find their mates, hoping that his was in one of those eggs. "Too fast," he mutters, glancing toward Avi with a lopsided grin on his face. Aza is used to things taking their time, and this was just happening too fast, with too much going on at once.
A Bit of This, a Bit of That [May 15th, 2002] New!
Azarin's Turnday. Jania, the Assistant Headwoman gives him a cooking lesson as a present.
Jania raises her eyebrow, dryly saying, "No." And then, deftly hooking her frre hand around his limp arm, she begins to urge him away from the ladened sideboards. "I am going to make sure it doesn't happen again." In a complete non sequitor, she says cheerily, "So do you know what the first rule of cooking is?"
"Too Many Cooks.." [May 12th, 2002]
A small group of candidates assigned to the kitchens for the evening meal, get together and add a bit of spice to the dishes.
Tamyka eyes the cook with expectant eyes only a moment more before retreating in the direction of Azarin and Avi, bobbing her head quickly at Aza's comments, "There is salt in cookies, actually. Though, how much, I have no idea." Dumping the large bag onto the cupboard, attention swirls toward Avi, a smile on her face, "A handful or two might be enough, I'm not sure exactly what it's used for." Just a little fib, as salt won't really hurt anyone. And besides, it'll make Avi look like a complete nutcase!
Spices and Scents [May 09th, 2002]
Transferring spices from packages to jars is not always an easy thing to do. Especially when a proddy rider is making eyes at you...
Kyla watches the, eyes flicker to the knot, male candidate playing with the spice before turning back to Jania. "I think I might be interested in that last one." Eyes sparkle, "I'm typically female and you have to pry me out of the bath." She takes notice of the pepper pot opening, "Don't inhale that." she warns.
Dunk the Candidate [May 04th, 2002]
'Twas a hot and humid evening when Aza made his way to the lake to cool off in the pool. Follow (as usual) by Marly, he met Carise and Maralia there and events unfolded in a dramatic sense.
Marly squeaks - the way that canines would squeak - and takes flight, straight toward the water with her tail between her legs. Only safe place to be would be close to Aza, her protecter, right? Even if that was in the water. Water Good. White Lump Bad.
Butchery [April 29th, 2002]
Idle chit-chat between a couple of candidates in the barracks is interrupted by the entrance of a couple of riders, intent on getting the candidates back to work. More importantly, giving them a useful lesson in butchery.
"Just what I said!" Caoimhe calls back just as loudly. "You know what? I think we should /do/ something about it!" A pause for dramatic effect as she saunters slowly towards the front of the room. "We should practice something you'll not have time to learn after the Hatching." She carefully stifles a somewhat gleeful smirk. "Butchering."
A Tithe Came In [April 26th, 2002]
A tithe train from Ista Hold came to the Weyr, and the candidates were ordered to unload it.
Coming back, Azarin is followed by the same mutt, though the candidate adamently tries to shoo it away. "Go 'way, Marly. Tapau'll have a fit," he says, waving his hands at the canine, his face screwed up in a grimace. That mutt had gotten to like him way too much. Even if she'd caused him nothing but trouble. "And I'm /busy/. I don't have /time/ to play with you now..." And on and on it goes. The candidate trying to get the mutt to go away, and the mutt following close on his heels. "And what'll Tapau say. You running away from her like that?!"
Firestone 'Lesson' [April 22nd, 2002]
The Candidates gets to prove their desire to Impress a dragon by 'testing' firestone themselves.
Fiora tosses chunks of the stone to each candidate. Both Tamyka and Azarin get a piece. It's black and kinda lumpy like coal. And it smells fairly wretched. Not nearly as bad as /bad/ firestone (that's the soft yellow and brown kind) but bad enough. It's a dull black stuff. "Everybody get some?" she asks, raising her voice to be heard. " everyone pop it in your mouth and have a chew."
Egg Touching [April 21st, 2002]
There's a first time for everything. And this one is Azarin's first experience with touching dragon eggs.
[...] "It's really alright to touch them?" he asks, but doesn't wait for an answer as he crouches by the Infinite Time and Space egg, putting only his fingertips on the shell. "It's warm!" he blurts out, his tone surprised as he looks up at the rider.
Canine Grooming [April 14th, 2002]
Tapau wants her mutt groomed. Azarin gets the job. Lets see how well this turns out..
[...] "Marlyyyyy! Come back!" he yells, shading his eyes to stare after the escaped animal, though he's making no move to go after her. "I guess we'll just have to go catch her..." We, not me. Hehe.
Horrified Hunter [April 13th, 2002]
One steamy afternoon, a couple of Candidates has a nice, quiet talk with bluerider Kr'lin.
[...]A smile is offered towards Azarin, "Don't worry about not being able to sew. You will get a lot of practice during Weyrlinghood. We have to make sure you are able to work your straps and repair them before you are sent up. Can't have you plummeting to your death on your first flight, now can we?"[...]
A rug, a Tree and a Few Tubers Thrown in for Taste [April 08th, 2002]
Title is pretty much self-explanatory...
Nearly keeling over now, by the weight of the carpet, poor Aza turns carefully to blink at Avi. "Apfi..? Dfo youf fwnow whefe tfwere de frack if?" Eyes pleading, he balances the weight on his shoulder with some trouble. Won't /someone/ give him a hand?!
Chores? [April 03rd, 2002]
After mucking out the stalls of the Weyr's stables, Azarin finds himself helping Carise mop off the tables in the living caverns.
Azarin wrings out the cloth so it won't dripple all over the floor, then moves to the next table over, starting to wipe that, neatly darting around people seated there with their dinner. "Why didn't they wait till /after/ dinner was over?" he calls out to Carise, excusing himself to a bronzerider as he accidently splashes a few drops on his leather. "I really am sorry, sir. It's only a couple of drops." Brushing the man's sleeve doesn't help much, and poor Aza is violenty pushed away with a 'don't do that again!' call after him.
Eyeing the Eggs [April 02nd, 2002]
During a break in chores, Aza makes his way to the Galleries to catch a glimse of those infamous eggs.
On the sands, Good move, Azarin. One more step, and you'd have probably been lunch. As it is, Suryareth lunges to her feet with a startleing suddenness for a dragon of such bulk, whirling around to face Azarin with a menacing rumble. And don't think it's by accident that the gold allows some of those big, shiny teeth to peek through. [...]
Searched! [April 01st, 2002]
It all started with a nice quiet conversation with Carise. Then, no less than three dragons crowded the Fort Hold courtyard, freaking poor, claustrophobic Aza out.
[...] "It's just... " And he motions around the courtyard with a shaky arm, "it's so /crowded/ here! They really /do/ take up a lot of space.. Y'know..?"
In the Caverns [March 05th, 2002]
Good thing there are stairs to a queen dragon's ledge. Aza took some time away from Zureile's weyr and went to the Ista Weyr living caverns.
Was that a frown? You bet. As the Weyrwoman's name is mentioned, Kyla stiffens perceptibly. "Ah." Perhaps he has some dirt she can dig up on 'Zurry'. Heh. "It's a public place." Warm? Not really. She tries again. "Sure." Ah yes. Felt the fuzzies that time, didn't you?
Persuasion [March 05th, 2002]
After spending a few days with Zureile, the rider decides that it's time for the hunter to have a haircut.
Cutting his hair? Not an issue which has come up with Azarin in /turns/. Blinking, he manages to forget about the mug of klah in his hands. "I kinda like it the way it is, Zurry," he says, almost feebly, raising one hand to comb through the tangled strands.[...]
Reunion [February 26th, 2002]
Sitting quietly in Fort Hold's courtyard, Aza gets an unexpected 'visit' from Ista Weyr.
Zureile dismisses all propriety in a flash. "Aza!!" Her voice is exultant, and there's an ear-to-ear grin plastered all over her face. Did he want to count her teeth? Now would be a good time. Completely ignoring his offer to go inside, she launches herself at him in an attempt to give him the hug of his life. Oh, and he'd better have a firm stance, because he's about to get an armful of overly-ecstatic goldrider.
Since April 4th, 2002
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