
DragonsFire - Azarin - Monday, April 01, 2002, 8:05 PM

The twinned doors reflect your approach, amorphous blur growing larger, larger as you draw near... to your touch they glide open on well-oiled hinges, and release you into the world.

Fort Hold Courtyard
Grey stone rises high and stark to enclose this immense courtyard: over four stories high are the man-made wings that define three sides of the quadrangle, but towering steeper yet is the natural palisade of the cliff itself. Shuttered windows climb nearly up to the fireheights, their placement shifting from steady symmetry to natural irregularity as they rise. Within this expanse of grey, all is not entirely barren of hue; beneath the wings' eaves glints gaudy, painted scrollwork, and though the stone's kept ferociously free of other greenery, pots of herbs -- easily shifted in time of need -- sit out in accomodating weather.
Bisecting the northwest face, rounded steps lead up to the wide doors of bronze-hued alloy that ward the Hold's inner reaches; opposite, eroded wagon ruts trace a path into the passageway out to the rest of Pern, and just to the south, a narrow gate guards the trail down to the landing area.
It is a spring afternoon. The sky's a clear, gloriously vibrant blue.
You see Jinae, Fatso, Excalibur, and Dathe here.
Obvious exits:
Great Hall Landing Area Road

Carise emerges from the great hall.

Azarin is sitting off to the side, a knife in his hand which he uses to carve in a piece of dark wood. Humming a catchy tune to himself, the young man pays no attention at all to what goes on around him.

Carise comes out of the hold slowly, pulling a sweater on as she goes, the ends of the sleeves concealing her hands even after she gets her head through the opening at the top. Stopping for a moment to get her barings, she glances around curiously, eyeing Azarin even as she makes no move to close the distance between them.

Azarin's piece of wood doesn't have any shape or form at the present, other than being oblong with slightly rounded ends. As his humming continues, he tilts his head to one side with his eyes following the movements of his knife. Pausing, he looks the lump of wood over critically, shaking his head a little. "No.. That won't do," he mutters, taking off a bit from one side, then the other.

Carise shivers slightly, crossing her arms infront of her, tucking her extra long sleeves under her arms, rocking back and forth as she stands there, watching him. A nervous glance over her shoulder in the direction of the Hold and she looks back at Azarin, stepping cautiously forward. "What are you making?" Voice is quite soft, possibly even inaudible.

Azarin nearly jumps out of his skin as Carise speaks, only just managing to /not/ cut into his thumb. Looking up, the confused expression quickly falls away in favor of a smile, "hullo," he says, sheathing his knife and getting up from the ground. "Oh, this? It's nothing really... I was just trying to make a runner." Face flushing slightly, he grins crookedly as he lifts his shoulder in a shrug. "Doesn't look much like it right now, does it?"

Shoulders are scrunched up as she grimaces, biting her lip before she shakes her head. "I'm, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to..." And she takes half a step back, ready to turn around and disappear before he asks the question of his own. Turning back, she steps closer again, tilting her head to look at the runner. "I... I guess it kinda does?"

Azarin chuckles, turning the lump of wood this way and that, eyeing it carefully. "I dunno.. It doesn't even have /legs/ yet," he informs he, holding it out for her to see. Hesitating, he looks from her to the wood and back again a number of times, his smile lopside as his fingers run up and down the 'runner'. "I'm sorry 'bout your mending.. I hope it didn't get /too/ dirty?"

"But you haven't done much, have you?" Another step forward and Rise peers at it more closely, before lifting her head to glance up at him. "It's not that bad..." Biting her lip, she shakes her head hurriedly. "It's fine, it needed to be washed anyway. It wasn't your fault." Chin drops and she focuses on the carving instead. Oh so interesting.

"Ach.. It's nothing really. Not yet," Azarin says, removing it from scrutinizing by slipping it into his pocket. "If you like you can have it when it's done." If it ever /gets/ done, of course. "That basket was really heavy, y'know? It didn't look all that heavy either," he rambles on, trying not to look /too/ embarrassed.

Carise has lost her point of interest now that the half runner is gone, and she's forced to look up at him with half a nod. "I... I would enjoy that?" A pause and then she manages to get a smile across her face with a shake of her head. "Clothes are really heavy... Tis why I dragged it." That way you don't make a fool out of yourself.

Above, Daemith makes a quiet and smooth entrance as he snaps in from ::between::!

Above, Daemith spirals down to the landing area.

Klari makes her way in through the landing area's southern gate.

"I only do it to keep myself occupied. Y'know, when there's nothing else to do," Azarin says, patting his pocket, adding on another note, "I'll remember that for next time, I offer to give a hand moving laundry." Looking her over momentarily, he lifts an eyebrow at the thick sweater. "You're not cold are you?" A look of worry crosses his face as he picks at a corner of his cloak. "I'll lend it to you?"

At a height of nearly 5'10 this young man is hardly one of the shortest people on Pern. His cool gray eyes look out from underneath dark, straight eyebrows. A fairly straight narrow nose lies right in the middle of his face, a minute scar on one side only perceivable because it is lighter than his tanned skin. High cheekbones make his cheeks look hallow, giving him an almost gaunt appearance, which his sharp chin does nothing to amend. Wiry muscles of arm and leg, and a slim overall figure gives him an rather menacing look, though the light in his eyes is quick to turn warm. Short, dark hair has recently been cut close to his scalp, leaving his face open for view, rather than keeping it hidden behind the long strands he used to carry around.
Dressed from top to toe in green shades, Azarin blends in well in a forested area. His tunic is the same color as dark green pine-needles, while his wherhide trousers are even darker and blended here and there with brown. His soft, calf-length boots are dirty-brown, though underneath the layer of mud, the color appears to be tan. Slung over his shoulders, he wears a cloak, woven from white wool, though dyed to a deep green.
Azarin is 19 Turns, 5 months, and 20 days old.
He is awake and looks alert.

Dark brown hair, which could be mistaken for black, is pulled back into many braids. These braids in turn are pulled into a ponytail of sorts. The braids are dyed either silver or red, but some are left the natural dark brown. The resulting ponytail is a dazzling array of contrasting colors. The dark hair surrounds a round face, which is characterized by the ice blue eyes. Her eyes draw you in, and after a moment's inspection, a mischievous glimmer is apparent. Her small nose is covered with freckles, and her whole self is tanned, it seems from years of working outdoors.
She is wearing a short weyrhide skirt that barely reaches her knees. It is dyed a deep blue and appears to be well worn. Hold it up, is a plain leather belt with a star as the buckle. A lighter blue sleeveless tunic, which matches her eyes, clods her. Heavy brown weyrhide boots cover most of her calves and provide protection. Loeje regards you, perched atop Carise's shoulder. Karibean regards you, perched atop Carise's shoulder. Taury regards you, perched atop Carise's shoulder. Dusck regards you, perched atop Carise's shoulder.
Carise is 20 Turns, 7 months, and 21 days old.
She is awake, but has been staring off into space for 4 minutes.

Silky blonde reaches close to the bottom of her shoulder blades, catching just the slightest breeze. It seems to suit her perfectly, flirting with her facial features. Like her icy blue eyes that sparkle as she stands tall, prob'ly about 5'10, a good bit of her height going to long, toned legs. Perfect for poking, a small and cute nose might seem to make her lips seem fuller yet go so well with one another. Her arms look of a definite strength yet still end in delicate fingers, all covered in creamy skin like the rest of her. Well-defined muscles are visible all over the young woman's rich Istan-tanned body along with eye-catching curves of the hips that sway in her walk, and a bosom worthy of making quite a few jealous.
Twisted strips of black and orange, with a strip of blue mingling into the loop to represent Klari of Ista Weyr and a bit added to show her as the Siren Wingleader.
Her black top of sisal hugs her chest, stomach, and back while its thin, orange straps are the only sleeves to it, revealing her well-defined arms that still have an over-all feminine appearance. The black top ends just touching the top of her leather pants. These, of course, are black as that of her jacket and top, fitting snug on her hips, thighs, and bottom before flaring out slightly around mid-calf and drag on the ground behind her boots.
Klari is 24 Turns and 6 days old.
She is awake and looks alert.

Carise keeps her arms folded infront of her, even as she quickly shakes her head dismissing the offer without even considering it. "I'm fine... Really..." It's springtime, afterall. A half-stumbling step backwards and she nods her head. "I usually don't have that much that it's too hard to carry..." Keep saying that, right?

Klari makes her way over from the landing area as she looks around the courtyard for something or the lack of that something. "No... Stay there." This said in a serious mannor before she turns to make sure she isn't being followed, which she isn't... yet. So she turns back around with a sigh as she crosses her arms and narrows her brow before spotting a familiar face, making her way over to Carise and her company.

Frowning, Azarin looks Carise over once more, torn between being galant or letting her have her way. "Okay," he mutters, leaving the cloak on his own back, grinning at her with an understanding smile. "It's not really /that/ cold, though. I won't freeze. I'm pretty much used to cold weather, being out all day and such." Rambling again, which prevents him from noticing that a new person has arrived. "Just let me know, alright? Or we /could/ go inside.. It's just such a nice day, it's not really fair to stay indoors."

Carise has won, and she hurriedly shakes her head at Aza. "It's nice out here... I'm fine, really." Quietly protesting, she half smiles to prove she's fine before she's distracted by a certain... someone. Blinking, she glances over her shoulder at Klari, making a face as she's talking to... Nobody? Right... Fingers are waggled ever so slightly, before she looks back to Aza. "I'm as use to it as you are, I think."

Above, Hwyllth rapidly gains height, rising up from the Harper courtyard.
Above, Hwyllth angles his route, bearing down towards Fort Hold's courtyard.
Hwyllth glides down from above, then lands with a screech of talons.

Mesopha swings down effortlessly from Hwyllth's neck, giving her lifemate a loving pat once on the ground.

Above, Maialeth soars down from above.
Above, Maialeth angles his route, bearing down towards Fort Hold's courtyard.
Maialeth glides down from above, then lands with a screech of talons.

R'ish swings down from her lifemate Maialeth's neck.

Mesopha ducks slightly as a dragon-shaped shadow passes o'er. Sheesh, practically raining dragons out here. She looks uncertainly about the terrain, as though she's been looking about uncertainly for the entire length of her flight. *Sigh* It's just not Ista. Seeing R'ish, she scoots over to where her Wingleader is, hoping to dissapear somehow. Last thing she needs is someone yelling about how she never honors bets. Heh.

Nobody visible anyway. Klari smiles and gives a little wave to Carise and then a nod to Azarin. And what's this? Talk of weather? "It is nice out... First time I've been able to say *that* about Fort in a long while." And Klari was brave enough to come without a jacket. Klari then gasps as Maialeth *and* Hwyllth lands in the courtyard, the very thing she's kept Daemith from doing. "Mesopha!! R'ish!! The two of you could've very likely squashed several holders! What possessed the two of you to land in the *courtyard?* Of all places!!" And without any ado, Daemith makes his way over from the landing area. If a couple browns can do it, he can to! Which leaves his 'rider to just crumple up in a sitting pile of Wingleader in the middle of the courtyard.

Daemith makes his way in through the landing area's southern gate.

Hwyllth sniffs. Bah. Like anyone would miss a few holders anyhow.

Azarin suddenly realizes that they're not alone. Definately not alone. Eyes darting here and there with the invasion of people and dragons dropping from the sky, his vocal cords seem to have stopped working. "Err... Umm.." Unable to tear his eyes from the large newcomers - and their riders - he only manages to nods something of an agreement to Carise, and wave a hand in greeting to the others.

Tall and lanky, Mesopha isn't much to look at as far as her form is concerned; her narrow hips and almost boyishly flat chest leave a tad bit to be desired in that department. But there is an undeniable grace that taints her walk, giving her a confident swagger that suggests a past experience with runners. Well toned muscles shift quite nicely in her arms and legs when she moves, affirming the vigorous activity being a dragonrider entails you to. Impossibly vermillion curls frame her face with crisp ringlets of flame, bringing out the color in her vibrant emerald eyes and deepening her freckles, which, at the moment, are in abundance due to summer sun. Wild and impetuous, she is the uintessential red-head, with little care for more than the finer things in life; fun, wine, and friends. All of the above, and all in excess!
On her right shoulder is the intricate orange and brown loop of a Wingsecond at Ista Weyr, a brown streak intertwining to indicate the color of her lifemate.
She is wearing a sleeveless, midriff bearing tunic of the deepest green, with silver aspen leaves embroidered around the neckline. The bare midriff is adorned with a thin silver chain, and below that are a pair of baggy brown pants. Her black wherhide boots are scuffed and worn, but still in good condition. (Good, meaning that they are still on her feet!) Daedra is curled around the back of Mesopha's neck, her head poking out through vermillion curls as she measures you with a calculating eye.
Mesopha is 28 Turns, 10 months, and 24 days old.
She is awake, but has been staring off into space for 2 minutes.
Brighter, sunnier...heck, even giddier.

Considerably black, almond shaped eyes sparkle and seem to contrast with soft bronzed skin. Yet the black goes amazingly well with her hair, long and parted just so down the middle, leaving the length to flow around her strong shoulders. Her facial features all compliment one another, even her petite nose and lips seem perfect for each other. Lanky is definitely not a word that comes into mind when looking at this lady. She's tall, standing around 5'9 and her body well toned from turns of work and travel.
R'ish wears a knot with Brown entwined with the Colors of Sentinel.
Two-toned black claims her in a supple fit of glossy hide, cut to flatter her toned frame and strong shoulders. Silver beads rake around the sweeping sailor collar in a double row about it's edge, and style a oriental flower over either breast pocket. Tight fitting pants run in a somehow warmer shade of black down to her low calf-boots, the latter comfortably padded and silver buckled.
R'ish is 22 Turns, 8 months, and 15 days old.
She is awake, but has been staring off into space for a minute.

Klari was enough... But now two more? Turning around hurriedly, Rise opens her eyes wide as she regards first the two browns, then the blue that joined them. Pale eyes sweep over the riders as well, before she glances back at Azarin, ready to duck behind him at a moments notice. Nodding slightly to Klari in agreement, she keeps her arms folded close, ready to bolt.

R'ish slides from her lifemate, landing with a small sound. She unties her goggles and tucks them safely into her inside jacket pocket as she un does it. A wicked grin materalizes, and an eyebrow is raised Mesopha-wards... hmms she'll hit her up for her marks in a bit. "Klari! how are you today." she bows in a respectful manner to the others "greetings this fine day".

Daemith rumbles in deep baritone to the pair of browns before nudging Klari in her spot on the ground, trying to get her up before letting out a snapping rumble to the browns this time. Klari slowly stands and steps back, over towards Carise and Azarin, "How'm I? Well I'm thankful no more dragons are dropping from the sky."

Mesopha looks a bit defiant at Klari's outburst. "Hey, Hwyllth's careful. No little puddles of squished holder, see?" she gives her wingleader a clap on the back, giving the others in the group a smile. "You worry too much." She still doesn't address R'ish directly, but gives her a grin, hoping the marks won't be mentioned til later. They' her Weyr! Yeah, that's the ticket!

No! Don't look to Azarin to hide behind. He won't be protecting anybody from these people. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he looks up at the sky - involuntarily - at Klari's comment on more dragons dropping in. Eyes moving from one to the other, Aza is still speechless, though a slight grin is forming on his lips. Outnumbered by women, the poor boy is.

Who's Carise suppose to hide behind, then? Standing up a bit straighter, she glances from one brown rider to the other. Their lifemates haven't sat on anyone yet... It must be safe. Glancing over at Klari, her eyes widen and she makes a face with a shake of her head. "I, I hope there aren't, anyway, ma'am..."

Hwyllth, being a compact sort of brown, manages to curl up in a corner, eyes half lidded. He's watching the whole scene, really. Silly humans, always so worried about dragons sitting on people.

Klari is more often called sir than ma'am these days, though that is completely because of her title, mind you. (Not her appearance by any means, she's based on Angelina Jolie... Blonde.) Klari crosses her arms and shakes her head at the sight of the courtyard, "Fine. We just better hope none of the higher-ups walk in on this." Klari glances over to Carise, her expression growing soft once more, "There aren't." Daemith squeezes past Hwyllth and Maialeth then makes his way around the people gathered to end up behind Klari, Carise and Azarin, blowing a warm mist over his 'mate, "I know it's crowded but you're not helping much, Daemith." With this, he snuffs before his whirling gaze slowly turns towards Carise in wonder.

Well if the Marks are still in the weyr... R'ish will just have to go with Mesopha to get them. >;) "suprized to see so many Istans here" she grins devilishly... oiy she's in an odd mood today. R'ish strides over to her Istan blueriding friend and gives her a healthy clap on the back "what brings you here?" Then to Carise and Azarin "no I think Dragons dropping from the sky is done for now... Tho you never know... A bronze could decide to land at anymoment" Evil grin.

Azarin takes a step back, beginning to feel slightly claustrophobic and caged in by the mass of three dragons in the courtyard. "Are.. Are you sure there's room for 'em all here," he says foolishly, glancing from one dragon to the other. So he'd seen dragons before. Even ridden one before. Larger than any of these. But this situation was definately getting too crowded for the hunter. Another glance is shot toward the sky, thanks to R'ish this time, though seeing nothing a look of real worry crosses his face, along with a half-genuine grin.

Mesopha looks skyward, almost seeming to be willing a bronzerider from the sky! Alas, her powers of psychic energy aren't working properly right now. "Well, I came to collect from a few holders who lost bets to me the other night....which will probably end up paying for my debt to /you/, as you so obligingly showed up."

Hwyllth lets out a gentle snort in Azarin's direction. Boy, my eyeridges sure itch. He twitches an eye, hoping the boy will get the idea. And hoping he doesn't scare him out of the courtyard.

Maialeth is the devils advocate.. yes.. lowering his head he streches out his neck towards the group of people. SNORT!

Carise continues to eye the brown cautiously, rocking back and forth from foot to foot, glancing upwards now and then just in case Klari could be wrong. Not that she is, of course. Icy eyes watch the exchange between Mesopha and R'ish, a slight grin crossing her lips before she glances suddenly at Klari, making a face as Daemith moves behind the trio and snuffs. "Um... Klari?" Being around dragons is not the same as being snorted and snuffed at.

With all this back clapping, Klari'll have a good enough reason to get a massage from at least one person later. Though her blue eyes do give R'ish a bit of a looking over. "Just getting away from the Weyr for a little while... Still have managed to avoid the Weyrleader but I'm afraid reports are due in just a couple days." Hopefully by then things will have calmed down and Klari won't be harmed too much for her scene in the galleries. Then, this Siren member turns to Carise, "Hrm?" Of course, Daemith's whirly-eyes turn away from Rise as his 'mate looks and he settles down on his haunches.

Getting /very/ crowded here! Azarin gives the brown a quizzical look, then takes another step backward, getting closer and closer to the wall. Not much more room to run. Not that he doesn't like dragons, truly, it's just this closed-in position he's finding himself in. "Um.. What's he want?" he asks, glancing at each rider in turn, looking for an answer.

R'ish Raises an eyebrow. "slacking eh?" she chuckles "nahh I dont think you'll catch too much really, wasn't nearly as bad as someone spilling wine on another rider" eyebrows waggle. Then To Azarin "Maialeth.... oh he's just being troublesome..." Maialeth turns to look at his rider... I'll snort on you too..

Mesopha giggles, walking over to her lifemate. "He wants you to scritch his eye ridges. like you do on flitters, but a lot more." she replies to Azarin's query, demonstrating. Hwyllth's eyes droop in pleasure, and he let's out what can only be described as a bass filled purr. "See? Okay," she addresses her lifemate specifically this time. "I'll be right back. Don't squish any one." and off she goes in search of those silly people that owe her marks. Hwyllth just turns his gaze back to Azarin, giving another gentle snort. PLEAAAASSE?

Mesopha enters the great hall, disappearing into the cliff face.

A nervous glance over her shoulder at Daemith and Carise blinks, before shaking her head. "Noth... nothing. He was just..." And the blue gets another peer before she shrugs. Blinking from Klari to R'ish to Mesopha's departing back, she gets an extremely confused look on her face. "What are the bets for?"

Klari raises her own brow after hearing R'ish, "R'ish... It was in the middle of a *clutching.* A double one at that. From what I heard, the queens were awfully agitated before the whole thing was over." Klari lets out a sigh and shakes her head, "And in front of all those people." And Klari *knows* better. She takes a couple steps back and leans against Daemith's forearm/leg. It's used for both so what's the difference? "I told D'las." This said to R'ish but anyone's welcome to listen, being as she did say it publicly, while Daemith goes back to examining Carise, a sniff here, warm mist there. Then to explain the bets, "The clutching." Short and sweet, right?

Azarin blinks, swallowing yet /another/ lump in his throat as he takes half a step towards Hwyllth, hand extended to scratch the place indicated by his rider. "Here? Is that okay?" he asks while keeping a close eye on the other dragons. Please don't come any closer. Being pinned between one dragon and the wall of the hold was quite enough, thank-you-very-much. Now where did his lifemate go? And more importantly, when will she be /back/?!

Hwyllth hums happily. Well, something that low and resounding can't really be a /hum/, can it? More like he rumbles happily, lids drooping and eyes whirling in shades of blue and green. Oh, yeah, right there. Just like that. Hwyllth has a new best friend!

Maialeth ohhh Free scritches! His head swings towards Azarin. Blink... wanna share..

Carise has completely turned around to keep an eye on the blue, wrinkling up her nose at the warm mist, making a face, a sweater covered hand rubbing at her face as she peers at Klari, quietly echoing R'ish. "Why.. Why were they agitated?" Well, besides clutching, of course. A quick glance is tossed at Azarin and the browns, though she breathes quietly, relieve that he's the object of their attention rather then she.

Better him than you eh?

Klari isn't *that* open to the public. "You know... That thing that I had no clue how to tell him." And Klari isn't a complete crab today so obviously *something* went well for her. "Rissa practically blew my cover as it were... But he didn't ask *who.*" Daemith changes his glance to Azarin, snuffing briefly. Why's he getting the attention? Ah well, he swings his head back around to eye Carise, she's eyeing him after all. "Well... Rissa and I got into an arguement during the clutching and you know how protective golds can be."

Of course.

Azarin chuckles as the brown begins to 'hum'. A chuckles quickly erased by the approaching Maialeth. Too much! Too many! To little space! "Help..." he whispers, voice breaking as he stands rooted in place, his hands frozen in place on Hwyllth's eyeridge. Starting to breathe more rapidly the hunter's eyes dart from one brown to the other, then shoot pleading glances at the riders and a searching look at the door for the one who'd disappeared.

Maialeth snorts at Azarin..... then tilts his head to look at Hwyllth... selfish.. okay... he'll wait!

Hwyllth turns slowly to Maialeth, giving him a little nose motion that hopefully says 'Wait your turn' and 'Back up, you're /crowding/ me' before swinging his head slowly back to Azarin. He blinks apologetically and backs up a few inches. Ah, better?

R'ish chuckles at Klari "oh /that/ thing" a glance at the dragons... "AL! Be nice" awwwwww Then back to Klari "seems that things went well" then a nod "Oh I'm sure you'll catch /something/ for it... but not too much, I hope" She blinks as she looks around again... "hey Where'd Mesopha go?" frown "she's got my marks" they're hers.. she won them fair and square..

Carise continuously glances at Daemith out of the corner of her eye, even as she stares at Klari, jaw dropping as she listens to the bit of the story, even if it doesn't make much sense. Any sense at all, in fact. Why did she even bother asking? Suddenly remembering her manners, she snaps her mouth shut, looking sheepishly away towards the poor hunter, watching for a moment before the blue receives her attention once more, a hand raising hesitantly towards him.

Azarin cannot quite breathe any sigh of relief. He's still feeling crowded by dragons on this, that and every side. Even so, his fingers - still resting on Hwyllth's 'ridges - begin to move slightly. Hearing R'ish's question he waves a hand toward the hold entrance, though he's still keeping an eye on the other dragon, "she went in there," he notes, glancing toward the door for a breif moment, wishing that she would appear soon. To save him.

Mesopha emerges from the great hall.

Klari sighs and moves over to Azarin, trying to get inbetween him and the browns, "Alright already. Give the boy some space for a while. Please?" Klari then peers around to nod at R'ish, "It went better than I could have imagined, that's for sure. He still wants to talk more about it though." Que Jaws music here.

Mesopha swaggers back out, counting a stack of marks and smiling smugly to herself. As she passes R'ish, she hands the fellow brownrider a small stack. "And here's /your/ winnings." she smirks. There's still a pretty large stack left with her. Obviously she didn't come off so bad after all. Hwyllth continues to enjoy his pampering, a la Azarin, completely ignoring Klari's intervention. He turns one happily whirling eye to his life mate, and she busts out laughing. "Ha! /Keep/ him? you mean, like a /pet?"

Carise is rooted to the ground where she stands, eyes wide as she glances between Daemith, Klari, Aza, and the brown, not moving to help the hunter at all if he indeed needs it. Klari can do just fine by herself, right? Swivling around as Mesopha reappears, her eyes get even wider (if that's possible) peering at her. "Dragons have pets?"

"Thanks," Azarin whispers to Klari, stepping away, until his back is against the wall. Glancing from one side to the other, the corners of his mouth tugs downward as the escape routes doesn't seem too plentiful. Well, he /could/ run for the doors, but what kind of image would that present the riders with?! Overhearing Mesopha comment, the hunter winces, having heard a thing or two about dragons' strange ideas. "W-what's that...? ... Pet..?"

Hwyllth peers intently at the young hunter, still rumbling happily, and wondering what the big hubub is all about. Pets? What's a /pet/? No, dragons don't have /pets/...

Klari shrugs to Carise as she at least gets Daemith to give the hunter some space, "Yeah.. I know of a couple greens that have pets." But whose greens isn't mentioned. "You sure that's what he meants, Mes?" Daemith doesn't have pets, but he does claim Klari's as his own... And those twins of hers. For now though, he's not sure what the hubub is over Azarin, Carise seems more interesting to him... For some odd, strange, dragonic reason still unknown to Klari.

Mesopha ahs as her brown clarifies what he had in mind. And grins. But remembers that she /is/ a wingsecond. No need to terrorize the lad with her secretive gigglings. "Just how nervous are you around dragons, I mean, you /know/ they couldn't hurt you, right? Shards, Hwyllth wants you to come to Ista with us he likes you so much."

Carise continues turning around, facing Klari and the browns once more with a wrinkle of her nose. "They.. they do? What, what type of pets? Not..." A deep swallow, "People pets?" And Azarin is given a sympathetic look, he's the one stuck being a pet... Atleast until Mesopha clarifies it. "He's.. he's not a pet?" Or is he... It's hard to tell. Folding her arms tightly infront of her, she watches the brownriders, only a cautious glance now and then to Daemith. He doesn't seem as threatening as the other two.

Deep breath. And another. And another. Slowly regaining his composure, Azarin carefully watches the dragons more than their riders. No closer, okay? Nodding at Mesopha, he flashes a grin at her, though he doesn't make any move to come closer. "I know.. Y'know, that they won't hurt me. I mean, I stayed at the Reaches' weyr for a while.. And I've been to visit Zurry at Ista," he says, rambling on, and apparently without hearing the rider's closing statement. "It's just... " And he motions around the courtyard with a shaky arm, "it's so /crowded/ here! They really /do/ take up a lot of space.. Y'know..?"

That's because Daemith isn't threatening, he's Daemith. And Daemith means *him.* Klari shakes her head at Carise, "I've never heard of a dragon having a human for a pet." And then as Mesopha continues on, Daemith rumbles gently to Klari, getting a light to go off in her head, "Oooooh. That." Daemith can't help it if he's sometimes faster with things than Klari. But the blue just goes back to his inspecting, still stopping when Klari turns to see every now and then.

Mesopha ahs, giving the hunter a reassuring smile. "The Weyr is big. You never feel crowded." she's getting to her point, /really/! She glances at Hwyllth, but he merely blinks his whirling eyes in affirmative. "Okay then. How would you like to stand on the sands when that new clutch hatches?" she rolls her eyes. "Hwyllth, though I doubt he has any experience in this sort of thing, seems to find you /special/." she smiles warmly to take the sting from her dragon-aimed jibe. "What say you?"

Did he faint? o.O

Carise starts sliding slowly, ever so slowly, away from Daemith, across the courtyard. It has to be safer, really. Reluctantly, she tosses a quick glance in the direction of the hunter, making a shy thumbs up sign to him, pausing a few arm's lengths away from where she had been standing. Humming quietly to herself, she keeps her mouth shut. Not going to say /anything/.

"Stand...?" Azarin looks confused for a moment, then lights up in a broad smile. "As in... Becoming a dragonrider? Like Zurry?" The only rider he knew personally, and the only one he could refer to, having know her before she had impressed. Suddenly glad to have the wall behind him, he leans against it, feeling his knees turn to jelly. "I guess.. Um.. Yeah. I mean.. I could spend more time with Zurry, then.. Right?"

Klari clasps her hands together, absolutely thrilled by seeing someone get searched. Though Daemith pays no attention, Carise is getting away! Slowly he moves, carefully through the courtyard after the girl, rumbling gently as he goes. One of those 'I don't bite!' type rumbles.

Carise only manages to take a few steps, then she realizes that Daemith is following her. A glance at Aza reminds her of exactly what to do, and combined with the rumbling has her just standing there once more. Turning her head to watch Klari, she straightens, attention then fully on Daemith, arms dropping tightly to her sides. Meep.

Mesopha nods, grinning. "Yes, you could spend more time with Zurry. But you'd also be around dragons all the time. And you'd be doing chores and whatnot. Still sound good?" Of course it does! Ah, the mischief! The excitement!! The pink paint! *cough*

Sleeping wherries!
Broken bums!
Black eyes.
Black /teeth/!
Latrine Duty.
Black.. Latrines?

"Chores..? I don't really mind chores," Azarin blurts out, his grin not fading at all at the prospect of more work. "But.. I mean.." Pausing to ponder a moment, he furrows his brow for a moment trying to remember what Ista was like, "there /are/ forests on Ista, right?" Looking from one Istan rider to another with a quizzical expression, he pushes off the wall, standing tall, though he's swaying back and forth with his fingers clutching the hem of his cloak.

Klari blinks several times at Azarin, "Of course there are forests at Ista! I couldn't live if there weren't!" Klari then clears her throat after blurting out her bit. Well... She could live, but she wouldn't be at Ista so much if there weren't. "I know them like the back of my hand." It's just a saying, but you know what she means.

"How well do you know the back of your hand, Klari" The Silent R'ish speaks up, with a chuckle.

Mesopha laughs, nodding. "Yes, there are /rain/forests on Ista. Lots of fun animals to catch, lots of coves and swamps and miles and miles of forest and coast to explore." Grin. Okay, so she's cheezin' it. But Hwyllth made her do it!

Daemith loves the forest himself, it's his thinking spot and he's a hunter himself, believe it or not. But none of this matters right now, he just settles himself down on his haunches once more in front of Carise. Time for a stare down again. Eyes whirling continuously at the girl. He sees Fort people.

Carise stands there shy for a bit, listening to the conversations of the others with the new candidate, staring at the ground not really moving. Every now and then, she lifts her chin to peek at the blue, before it's back down at the ground for her. Finally, she takes a deep breath, tilting her chin upwards to peer at Daemith, lips tight together, curling neither up nor down at the end.

Azarin grins broadly at Klari, a satisfied nod as Mesopha's words reaches his ears. "You think they'd let me go hunt some of them animals?" he asks, looking to the Istan brownrider for an answer? "Oh! I'd need to bring my bow, then.. And my arrows." His knife is always with him, of course. He doesn't move though, his feet glued to the ground of the courtyard. "I think I'd need some more clothes too..." he adds in a whisper, glancing down at his outdoor gear. Not the cleanest outfit in the world..

Klari glances down at the back of her hand and shrugs, "Nothing really to know about it." And she holds it up for R'ish, it's a *hand.* Wow. Klari glances over to Daemith and then to Carise, "Daemith, you're going to make her mad if you don't..." Then he rumbles gently as Klari starts to make her way over, getting her to stop dead in her tracks, "I'm not asking her *that!* What does that have to do with anything?"

Mesopha motions towards the hold. "Then go! The eggs aren't gonna hatch /now/, they only just clutched yesterday! Go get what you need. But only what you can carry..." she adds in an ominous voice.

He could only make Carise go mad if she wasn't already. And that is always a questionable thing. As Daemith rumbles, Carise (who was being oh-so-brave!) glances worriedly at Klari and takes half a step back, stumbling over her words as she tries to question the bluerider. "Ask... Ask.. Ask me what, ma.. ma'am?" She's not done yet! She's not ready to be eaten.

Azarin pauses for a moment, then dashes to the side, following the Hold's wall, and disappears inside. Gone for several minutes, he reappears with a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder, along with a backpack seemingly stuffed to the point of bursting and a bow held in his hand. "Back..." he blurts, out of breath from running up and down stairs inside. Fast isn't he? Leaning against the wall, Aza grins while sweat is starting to cover his brow and his chest is visiably moving with heaving breaths. At least they didn't leave without him..

Klari crosses her arms and shakes her head, "I'm *not* asking her." Daemith swing his head around and rumbles loudly at Klari in frustration, startling her a bit, "Fine!" Klari peers around Daemith's head to Carise in a sigh, "Do you know the... who, Daemith? Oh, right... Do you know the muffin man?" At least that's what Daemith calls him, the baker. Or at least *his* baker.

Carise isn't going to be eaten! Unless of course Daemith wants the baker so he can stick Rise in a pie with three and twenty others. But the nanny-turned mending type shakes her head quickly at Klari, before looking curiously at Daemith. "Muf- Muffin man?" And all the while Rise has been sliding away from the frustrated Istan draggie. Just incase he is planning a big pie for dinner.


Mesopha nods, waving at Klari as she makes to mount her dragon, motioning Azarin foreward to do the same. Hopefully He knows how to do this, because whe's not quite barney enough to lift the guy.
Mesopha pulls herself onto Hwyllth's broad shoulder, sliding with familiarity to his neck, secure between two ridges.

Klari and Daemith both nod and rumble as if saying the same thing, "The muffin man!" Klari then waves to Mesopha before glaring at Daemith. He made he do it! Then she shakes her head at him before sighing so she can explain to Carise, "You remind him of the muffin man." Then Daemith lets out a soft bugle as he nods once more to what Klari has added.

Azarin staggers over toward the brown, peering up at the high-mounted rider, assessing just how to proceed with this. Just the same way he'd done when Zureile had given him a ride on her gold. And this dragon was smaller, too! Taking hold of the leather strap, he lifts a leg, using that to boost his way to the brown's back. "There! That wasn't really so hard," he tells Mesopha with obviouse pride in his voice.

You clamber up Hwyllth's neck and set yourself between two neckridges.

Bittersweet coated shoulders of rippling muscle bunch powerfully beneath you with every movement, while in front of you the picturesque sculpt of cinnamon dusted nape and skull are adorned with honeyed ridges. Large wings behind you push and pull the wind like a plaything, caught in a cocoa rimmed net of immesurable strength.
Astride Hwyllth is Mesopha.
Tail a-twitch and ready for action...

Another step, and Carise just nods slowly, eyes glued on the pair, slowly finding her voice to respond. "Uh... I see?" Although whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, she has no idea. A half step and she pauses, arms automatically going to fold infront of her. "I'm... I'm not the muffin man..." Last time she checked, anyway.

Mesopha grins, and points to the riding straps. "Hang on now. Just a few minutes, and will be in sunny Ista." And with that, she nudges Hwyllth from his dozing position and inot ready to /fly/ position!

You crouch -- leap -- and, beating your wings strongly, fly up and free of the stone confines.
Sky Above the Fort Hold Complex
It is a spring sunset. The sky's a clear, gloriously vibrant blue.
Obvious exits:
Region Landing Area Fireheights Fort Hold Courtyard Harper Courtyard Harper Watchrider Weyr

You hang, senseless, in the dark nothingness of ::between::... absolute darkness surrounds you, and the profound cold stings you... you wait, and count...

High Above Central Bowl
It is a spring evening. Partly cloudy skies allow for a gentle, if breezy day.
You see Weezer here.
Obvious exits:
Western Gap Star Stones Ista Forest Eastern Bowl NorthEastern Bowl Southern Bowl Feeding Grounds

Azarin's breath explodes from his lungs as they're suddenly over Ista. "Wow! I'll never get used to that!" he blurts out, eyes wide as they land in the Weyr.

You slide gently down Hwyllth's neck and land with a soft thud.

Central Bowl (#876J)
Although Ista is smaller than the other Weyrs, the bowl still stretches over 3000 feet in length. To the north and east, you can see the jagged rock fingers towering thousands of feet above you. On the tip of the most northern finger lay the Star Stones, the heralds of the coming of thread. The Queens' Weyrs and the Hatching Grounds lay to the northeast, while the Weyrling Training Grounds and Barracks lie to the north. To the northwest lies the waterfall, where the weyrlings and full-grown dragons alike are bathed, and the weyrfolk can enjoy a swim. Due east, you will find both the Living and Lower Caverns, and to the west is the Feeding Corrals and the Plateau on the edge of the Bay. Great gaping maws dot the inner mountainside and occasionally you can see dragons swooping gracefully in and out of their rocky homes.
It is a spring evening. Partly cloudy skies allow for a gentle, if breezy day.
You see Hwyllth here.
Mesopha is here.
Obvious exits:
Southern Bowl East Bowl Training Grounds Feeding Pens (Beach)

Mesopha leads the way. "Follow me to your new home for the next few weeks." she gives Azarin a slap on the back, quite chummily, really.
Mesopha heads towards the east.
You head east.

Mesopha leaves for the Candidate's Barracks.

Candidate's Barracks
This large, rectangular room has seen much usage and more excitement in its time, and the evidence of it is clearly visible in the well-worn floor and the battered cots that line its walls. Covering the cold stone surfaces of arches and windowless vaults are a series of tapestries, simplistic in nature but comforting nonetheless: each depicts the daily life of the Weyr, whether through the antics of Weyrlings bathing their dragons, or the majestic wheelings of full-grown dragons overhead. One massive tapestry even shows the stumbling white-robed Candidates on the glittering black sands of the Ista Hatching Grounds, gathered around a mound of eggs with watchful queen in anxious attendance.
(If you wish, you may type 'candidates' in this room, and see who has been Searched so far.)
You see Candidate Bulletin Board here.
Mesopha is here.
Obvious exits:

*** Disconnected ***

Aza's History
